Saturday, May 17, 2008

Lose Weight

How to Lose Weight without Dieting and Drugs
When we step onto the scale and realize that we weigh more than we are comfortable with, we all have a natural knack to eat less food. We then begin skipping meals and eating like "birds" with some false hope that we will "burn" off fat and lose weight miraculously. This is the first step towards destroying our bodies. When we eat less it becomes even more difficult to lose weight. The huge myth here is that people become fat and overweight by consuming too many calories. This is only partially true because America only takes in half the calories as we did in the beginning of the century. So if we blame being obese and overweight on calories, we would and should "all" be thin. However, we must burn more calories than we consume and stay away from fat. It is no secret that we are heavier than ever! Thus, people who diet without exercise gain even more weight. This is because dramatic weight loss consists of water and muscle. When the weight returns, it returns as fat. The only way to avoid getting fat is to increase our metabolism and exhibit regular exercise into our daily functions along with eating the right way.

When researchers compare thin to overweight people they have found that they take in around the same amount of calories. People become overweight because they have a slower metabolism and also eat more fat than thin people in most instances. Thinner individuals tend to eat less fat and load up on carbs. Lets face it, we are not going to lose weight overnight. A precise and planned out combination of eating and exercise is the real key to success.

Every day, we as Americans are bombarded with promising advertisements of miracle pills,creams and patches that "guarantee" to take the weight off quickly. Take it from me people, they do not work! Just ask millions of people that are spending billions of dollars annually.

A recent survey was done to determine if any commercial dieting programs could actually show and prove that they actually work. Not even one program could come forward to explain. The mass confusion in the dieting industry has led to more heartbreaking and "pocket" breaking, spread amuck with false promises that the FDA is beginning to do better investigations on such false claims.

If you are sick and tired of false promises and can seriously relate to this epidemic in America, please visit my website: I have put together proven results without crash dieting or drugs to better your lifestyle. Remember, there is still hope and you have found it. If it worked for me, it can work for you too.

Stone Therapy

What to Expect on your First Hot Stone Therapy
There are just two reactions from people who have never tried a hot stone therapy. One is to welcome this new variation of traditional massage with open arms. Another is to scratch your head, find it kind of bizarre and wonder what the stones have got to do with the therapy.

Whether you're the first person or the second, you cannot take that little feeling of uneasiness and apprehension about getting a new kind of massage. But knowing what to expect can indeed make a big difference.

Here are some of things you can expect from your first hot stone therapy:

The therapist will be using basalt stones that are rich in Iron and can retain heat well. These stones which come in a variety of shapes and sizes are river rocks that have been smoothed over time by the current of the river.

1. Before you arrive, the therapist will be preparing the stones by heating them in 120 and 150 degree water. The heating process is done by immersing the stones in water and heated with an electric heating equipment until they reach the right temperature.
2. The heat in the stones helps in the release of muscular tension and relieves stress. It also warms and relaxes the muscles, improves circulation and soothes the nervous system.
3. Once you get into the massage room, the therapist will give you some time alone to undress, get onto the table face down, and relax.
4. You don't have to be worried about being completely naked because you will covered with a sheet or a blanket. The therapist will undrape only the area to be worked on.
5. The therapist will apply oil on your body to allow the hot stone to slide smoothly on your skin and will then place the massage stones on key energy points such as the back, palms and between the toes to improve energy flow.
6. Don't be scared about getting scalded by the heat because the therapist will always hold the stones first to make sure that it's not too hot for your skin to handle. But in case you feel that the stones are too hot, don't hesitate to speak up.
7. Traditional Swedish massage strokes will be used while holding the stone or while leaving the stones on your body. Cooled stones will be replaced with new heated ones.
8. You will be asked to turn over onto your back and the therapist will repeat the process.
9. A reputable massage therapy will not include woman's breasts or the lap area of either sex.
10. If there's anything that you feel uncomfortable with like the temperature of the room, type of music or lighting, don't hold back and discuss it with the therapist.
11. The therapy will last for 60 to 90 minutes long and may cost somewhere between $50 to $190.
12. After the session, the therapist will leave the room and allow you to have some time by yourself to rest and relax. Take your time getting off the table but it doesn't mean that you're allowed for a whole afternoon nap.
13. Give your therapist a 10%-15% tip.

Getting a hot stone therapy is truly a pleasurable activity to indulge in. Knowing what to expect will erase any doubts and uneasiness you might feel for your first session.

Massage Etiquette

Massage is truly one of the best pleasures in life. The relaxation of body and mind brought about by the nurturing touch of another human being is indeed a nice way to take a breather from one's daily stressors. When your boss is getting too hard on you or the household chores are piling up so high, going to a spa can save what's little left of your priceless sanity.

But getting a massage is not only about finding the right therapist or booking for an appointment. Just like any other activity, it also entails good manners and right conduct.

Here are some tips on proper massage etiquette:

Schedule your appointment in advance as much as possible. This will allow the therapist or the spa to book other appointments more efficiently.

* After booking for an appointment, be sure not to miss it. Cancelling the last minute or not showing up with no explanation at all is very disrespectful of the therapist. You're not only wasting their time but also the opportunity for them to have other paying clients.
* Arrive early, preferably 15 minutes early so you will have time to fill out some forms like contact information and health conditions, as well enjoy the facilities of the spa like sauna, steam bath or whirlpool.
* Before you go into the session, be sure to discuss your preferences to the therapist. What type of music, room temperature or lighting would make you feel comfortable are some of the things you can talk to the therapist about. Although it's all right to speak up even in the middle of the session, discussing prior to it is a better option so as not to interrupt the flow of the therapy.
* It's also a good idea to go to the bathroom before the therapy starts so that you don't have to stand up in the middle of your session when nature calls.
* When you go for a massage, it is very important that you don't wear any perfume, scented anti-perspirants and hair sprays because you will be staying in an enclosed area and some therapists have allergic reactions to some of these products.
* Turn off your cell phone before you arrive at the clinic or spa. Being interrupted with ringing sounds and phone calls can surely ruin the relaxing mood and ambience of the place. Besides, this is a time for you to relax and shun away the outside world even for just a few minutes.
* Don't put lotion or moisturizer on your skin because this will get in the way of the massage oil or lotion that will be used.
* Take a shower or clean up before the session. Showing up all sweaty or dirty after a workout or some other rigorous activity is a rude thing to do.
* Don't feel obliged to engage in a conversation with your therapist. If you want to chat, it's fine. But if you want to silently indulge in the massage, the therapist will respect that.
* Give your therapist a 10%-15% tip.
* You will be allowed to have some time alone to cool down and relax after a session but don't take advantage of it by taking a whole day nap.

Spas, clinics and therapists all work so hard to be able to provide you with a moment of relaxation that you are so in need of. Yes, you're paying for their services but still, it's only right that you give them proper respect and treatment.

Solution for Herniated

Solution for Herniated disc without surgery
Spinal decompression is proving to be a great last resort before surgery. The procedure may also help with failed back surgeries. According to two recent studies in the New England Journal of Medicine, back surgery is often not necessary for back pain, Spinal Decompression and non-surgical treatments can relieve some of the suffering. Neurosurgeon Wilco C. Peul, MD, head of the spine intervention study group at Leiden University Medical Center in the Netherlands, led a study of 283 patients with confirmed cases of severe sciatica. The study found that 95 percent reported recovery after one year, whether or not they had surgery. “Americans have back surgery Dr. Steven Shoshany, Spinal Decompression Specialist]twice as much as people in other countries,” said Dr. Shoshany. “1.5 million disc operations are done worldwide each year, but surprisingly many of these operations do not need to happen. Non-surgical treatments have been proven to be just as effective.” Spinal decompression causes a decompression to the spine that sucks the disc material back into the disc and brings fresh blood flow to the area, while helping with the healing process. An exam and MRI will determine the level of treatment for each patient and Dr. Shoshany said patients are usually back to their daily activities within two to three weeks after treatment. "What's interesting is that more and more studies point to the fact that back surgery should be a last resort when all other methods have failed," said Dr. Shoshany. “For anyone considering surgery to get rid of back pain, this is a healthy alternative treatment they may want to consider.” Spinal Decompression is FDA cleared and a well-documented treatment; it is a safe and effective treatment for herniated discs.

Cardio fitness to a happy heart.

Cardio fitness to a happy heart.
Most of us know about cardiovascular fitness but still we always look for alternative and easy ways of loosing fat and get a toned up body. There are no shortcuts to a good lean body, even though the market is full of products claiming to do so. It needs some consistent efforts on our part to see the results. You can not see the results overnight, it’s a cumulative effect that adds up. Cardio training and cardio fitness is the best way to get in shape and have all other health benefits like a healthy cardiovascular system ie. your heart and lungs. Any form of aerobic exercise that keeps your heart rate close to target heart rate would add up to your cardio training. Running, jogging, cycling, aerobics, martial arts or even some forms of dance can help you do so. Good cardio session is the best way to burn up those extra calories, anyone looking for a weight loss should count the intake of calories and try to burn more than they consume. Intensity and duration of a cardio workout is what makes it effective. A fit cardio system would keep up your metabolism making you feel good and energetic through out the day. It is tough for most people to let their bodies come out of comfort zones and make them workout and sweat. It takes some effort at first but if you continue with your routine, you would be looking forward to your sessions and enjoy them. There are a lot of ways to keep a person motivated to reach for his fitness goals- take a gym membership, get a partner for exercise, take up something of your interest or get exercise equipment like treadmill or elliptical trainer. Getting exercise equipment for yourself has its own benefits, making it easier for you to workout regularly at the time that suits you the best in the comfort of your home. More over it will be an investment towards the health of your entire family. Prevention is always better than cures. Get a ton of health benefits with cardio fitness, rather than getting treated or looking for cures to obesity, heart diseases and respiratory disorders. There can only be shortcuts to your health problems and not to good health. It’s the only body and life we have, respect it, keep fit and enjoy every moment.

Building Diet

Body Building Diet

You are working hard and sweating it out because you want to build hard muscles. You want to lose all your fats and you’re thinking that you have to limit your intake of food while doing your body building exercises; combining body building and diet. If you have grown to believe that combining both exercise and diet is the ideal solution to losing weight and gaining muscles, you have come to the right conclusion. But starving yourself is not the right kind of diet while you are doing body building. In fact you need to be eating a lot more. Body building requires a lot of energy and burns a lot of calories in your body. You need to replace them as soon as you have finished your rounds of exercise routine. Replacing your lost calories is essential in order for you to bulk up your muscles. Your body requires fuel in order to perform body building exercises and your body’s fuel is food – it’s your source of energy. Never start your exercise routine on an empty stomach because you will not have the energy to lift the weights necessary in building muscle mass. Give your body the raw materials it needs by eating the right diet. Body building diet is rich in protein and carbohydrates, not fat and less sugar. You need to eat a lot of protein in order to support the build up of muscles. Foods rich in protein are beef, pork, fish, chicken, and turkey (lean cuts). You can also look for some vegetables and dairy products that are rich in protein, like soya, eggs and cottage cheese. Carbohydrate fuels your body to function its best when doing body building routine exercises. They are the energy booster that enables you to do the lift and help you in making the reps required. Carbohydrates are your main source of energy. Foods rich in carbohydrates are oatmeal, sweet potatoes, brown rice, whole wheat bread and other vegetables. Never skips meals when you are trying to build up your muscles. In fact you need to eat more in order to support your activity and to help in repairing damaged muscles. Drink plenty of water and avoid carbonated drinks because they have a lot of sugar. Body building diet is not complicated as others may have come to believe. It’s eating a healthy balanced diet, lots of fruits and vegetables, lean meat and dairy products, less fat and sugar and plenty of water. You can also incorporate supplements in your body building diet to further enhance your muscle build up. There are many supplements out there in the market and you have to be careful in choosing the right product. You main goal is building your muscles through exercise and not through the use of steroids or any illegal supplements. The best kind of supplements will not offer artificial gains – bloated stomach and water retention. The combination of healthy diet and right supplement product in the market will greatly help in achieving your dreams of building a more imposing frame. You can easily build massive muscle size using bodybuilding supplements. For details and to claim your free Bodybuilder Interview, visit this site now: http://www.bodybuilding

stress in children

Get complete idea about stress in children

Children are very sensitive to activities taking place around them and all these things affect them rapidly as compared to an adult. Different children have different phenomenon and different symptoms of reaction to stress. Youngsters commonly are not aware about these stress triggers. Symptoms in children include solitary behavior, frequent tantrums and violent or destructive activities. It is important for adults to keep a close eye on children for if left unaware, stress can cause them to even harm themselves. Causes of stress in children:- • Divorce and separation or continuous quarrelling situations between parents is the greatest cause of stress in children. • Nagging health problems in children is the major cause of stress in children. If any health problem is persistent from a long term and it is not cured at right time then it may lead to stress in children. • Being ignored by parents and friends also arouses stress in children. • High parental expectations create stress in children when they are unable to meet those expectations. • Sometimes physical and emotional stress in children is genetic. How parents react and behave in a particular stressful situation is also a key to how the child with respond. • Sibling rivalry like giving more importance to one of the same age group children is also a likely cause. How to remove stress in children:- Parents are required to take immediate step to remove stress in children. It is not only harmful for their physical as well as psychological development but it may also lead to mental health problems. • The perfect mode to relieve stress in children is to sit with them and let him/her tell you all they feel. Cuddle them and do not force them to do anything, instead support them and instigate them to take part in different activities. • Parents should give time to their children. It’s this quality time when they can understand if something is bothering them. Ask them about school, studies, their friends to know if anything is creating stress in their lives. • Parents should maintain healthy diet schedule for their children. Healthy body helps children in keeping illness far away from them. • Encourage children to involve in vigorous exercises. • Teach your children the facts of life and how some experiences in life are unavoidable. In cases like divorce, death, talk to your children and provide them the emotional support they need in their life. This will help the child cope with stress in a better manner. Thus stress in children is generally caused by their living circumstances and parental relationship. The easiest and surest way to remove stress in children is to take complete care of them and give them the well needing support in their formative years. Jim is a normal person who has realized his passion by writing about being healthy. He has struggled with weight and other associated health problems. He is fit now, and wants to send the message accords to everyone. For more information and advice on stress in children , mental health,

High-Energy Food

High-Energy Food
High-energy food is good for boosting your immune system and for preparing your body for doing physical activity. Essentially, our bodies need high-energy food everyday in order for our bodies to be able to perform our daily routines.

When pursuing high impact sports, such as aerobics, running and swimming, high energy food should be consumed in larger proportions. Through establishing an understanding of high-energy foods and how to determine the proportions that you require for your weekly activities, you will be capable of maintaining a balanced diet.

Important high-energy food to be aware of includes food from the five main food groups. The main five food groups include fruit & vegetables, dairy, meats, grains and pasta. To ensure that you gain the maximum benefits from high-energy food, you should try to choose food from all five of the essential food groups.

When searching for high-energy food amongst fruits, you should look for the banana, pineapple and strawberries. Among the vegetable group, the most important high-energy food is green leafy vegetables, such as spinach and cabbage. A good balance of these two food types is highly desirable.

Dairy foods that contain fats offer the best high-energy foods, however, it must be stressed that you should only eat dairy foods with a high fat content if you intend to be very active. Generally, red meats are high in energy, while white meats will sustain your levels for normal daily activities, such as walking to the train station, or doing your housework.

Wheat and Barely are rich in high-energy nutrients and anything that contains these products can be considered a valuable food to eat to replenish lost energy levels. Pasta has long been regarded a staple food and can supply your body with much needed energy. Of course, you should only eat proportionate quantities in relation to the level of exercise you intend to pursue.

Establishing a healthy and balanced high-energy diet might take a little time to perfect, but once you understand the basics and that a high-energy food diet can be quiet diverse, you can experiment and create some fun and delicious meals.

Another fun way to maintain a high-energy food diet is to create high-energy drinks. One of the most effective high-energy drinks includes bananas, honey, eggs and milk. The bananas, honey and eggs are what give your body the high energy, while the milk helps mix it together to make a delicious �milkshake� like drink.



Wellness is the buzz word for health these days and I like it. It implies a much wider scope of fitness than a balanced diet, regular exercise or a well-toned body. It speaks of an wholistic approach and attitude to living, taking in emotional and psychological factors as well as physical.

So, what does wellness entail?

1/Positive living.

Thought is where it all begins but there must also be practical action in order for a truly positive life to be lived. People often think that `positive thinking� is fantasy-land, especially in the current world climate. It would be if this philosophy only encourages generic, bland attitudes but, in actual fact, positive thinking is about awareness and aliveness, not burying one�s head in the sand. It is a choice, a way of life that truly believes, in all circumstances, the glass is always `half-full.� Positive life means searching for the gift in every and any tragedy; not to smile inanely through adversity but to choose hope over despair.

With this attitude in place, life becomes more prosperous in general, brighter and less fearful. Demons can be vanquished or at least, disabled. A positive life is one in which `bad� things can and will still happen but can be overcome more easily with the courage and joy that this form of wellness brings.


Health in all its forms is requisite to an overall sense of wellbeing. It�s impossible to feel good if we�re tired, ill, cranky or in pain. Balance is the key to this as to many other life-skills. The things that damage health are excesses of all kinds, addictive behaviour, discordant relationships, poor diet, inadequate sleep and lack of physical fitness. As boring as it sounds, moderation is necessary for all forms of wellbeing. We need, each day, to honour our emotional, spiritual and physical needs. We need to feed the soul, nourish the body and work the mind - every day, not just occasionally.

Most of us are taught early in life to do the basics like cleaning our teeth, washing our bodies, using the toilet, sleeping and eating but of course, there is more to physical fitness than that. My feeling is `no pain, plenty of gain.� Exercise should be fun, easy and never excessive. If it takes over and becomes punitive then surely we�ve added stress to our daily routines rather than reduced it. So find something that you enjoy doing, whether it�s just walking round the block or playing social tennis, and do it regularly.

Emotional needs are catered for better by some than others. We�re all emotional creatures whether we show our feelings outwardly or not. Letting them flow naturally is the secret; it�s important not to let them choke on themselves, especially the ones we find most uncomfortable. Make friends with your darker side, keep working at self-knowledge and be honest with yourself and about yourself. Banish worry as it�s a totally useless waste of energy. Be as relaxed as possible every day, develop acceptance and be gentle with yourself.

Spiritual nourishment can come in many forms other than religious practice or meditation. You can feed your soul with poetry, music, nature, love of children and animals, being near water, walking and swimming, being in silence, looking at beauty.

Self-love is a big part of these means to wellness as when you value yourself, you automatically look after your body, feed your mind with stimulating conversation, knowledge, reading and ideas, nourish your soul by a variety of pleasurable pursuits, and you will no longer feel the need to sabotage your happiness and success by obsolete beliefs and self-defeating behaviours. Negativity of thought, action, attitude and feeling counteracts this. With a positive mind and a healthy body, there�s not much we can�t achieve.

A key factor in health is prevention. Taking responsibility for your own health, living pro-actively and not waiting till illness has already struck to improve your health habits. The number of times that people have said to me their cancer or heart disease turned out to be a great gift because it forced them to change their diet, get more sleep, exercise more etc - my answer is why wait till you�re sick to look at these issues?

Often the alteration to lifestyle is quite minor yet the benefits are enormous. For instance, just walking daily, taking Garlic and Vitamin C for prevention of colds and flu and reducing stress can make all the difference.

3/Stress management.

We live in stressful times - no-one would dispute this. Recent world events have further heightened our sense of powerlessness and the inevitability of change that already has proven to be the hallmark of the 21st century. Thus, it�s more essential than ever to develop our spiritual muscles and muster our physical stamina as this exercise called life is getting tougher and tougher to manoeuvre. With added external stress comes the need for more internal calm; amidst the global turmoil, we need more personal peace.

Where is it to be found? Where it always resides - inside each of us. Right now, we need some extra awareness of its existence and a reminder that we carry the seeds of peace always and ever with us. This is a time of greater need for meditation in whatever form appeals, more communing with nature, more time spent with loved ones as we are daily reminded of the fragility of life, more reflection upon the things that really matter in the end.

In practical terms, we can ward off stress overload by effective time management, keeping things in perspective, not giving in to negative thinkiing and fear, moderating our schedules and living habits, staying in touch with joy.


A very under-rated emotion. It�s not deep and intense like anger or jealousy and it sounds a bit fluffy like delight or curiosity. Yet, for me, joy is the centre of existence because it is the essence of our life-force and offers such gifts as creativity, sexuality and spirituality. All the best things come from joy. So, if you�re in touch with your own wellspring of joy, how can you fail to also have wellbeing?

Joy is present in the midst of tragedy, death, sorrow, disappointment, conflict, anger, violence. It is an integral part of the human condition so it can never be absent from our endeavours, our daily lives and even our pain. We are after all, creatures of contradiction, of polarity, are we not? Our lives are always walked on the tightrope of contrasting desires and energies; hence the desire for addiction, excesses, oblivion. It�s a constant balancing act and some people falter more readily and reach out for negative remedies that poison rather than cure.

Psychological health is walking the fine line between the darkness and the light, between our shining selves and our negative egos. It�s there between the contrasts that we find true wellness. It is a place of healing and serenity, not of struggle and exertion. In a nutshell, we all basically try too hard at life - too hard to be happy, to be successful, to be beautiful, to be loved, to be secure, to be safe - all myths. But joy is not. It is our constant gift in an ever-changing world, totally effortless and free. When we cannot feel joy, we are separated from the best part of ourselves.


We are never without love whether we have family and friends, whether we�re in a relationship or whether we�re considered lovable or not. Like joy, love is a birthright and therefore, resides deep within us at all times. All you have to do is access it and you need never again feel alone or lonely, isolated or rejected

Once you feel that love within yourself, you�ll easily love others, attract love to yourself from outside and find more things around you to love. The world will look like the amazing place it is despite the horrors of war, poverty, crime, violence and natural disasters. You will indeed see through rose-coloured glasses but not ones by which you disguise the ugliness; rather that the love you feel will shine out for others to see and in turn, your own vision will be brighter. Life takes on a different glow and the bridge between you and the rest of the world will seem less large. If you�ve never experienced this, I urge you to try working from the inside out and start sensing the peace and harmony you have at your disposal every day of your life. Love is the ultimate high!

Overall wellness is not just possible, it is readily attainable if we just let it be, if we own our joy and love ourselves enough to let life be easy.

Some readers may be struggling with disability, disease, loss, financial hardship and so on. Where is the wellness in these conditions, you might ask. Well, no-one owns the territory of your mind except you. Even in the darkest prison, you always have the illumination of your inner beauty. Be there and you will feel your own presence, your inner comfort and that, is the meaning of true wellbeing.


We�ve heard it not only once or twice or even thrice but a lot of times. If you want healthy bones and teeth then pack up on the Calcium intake. While it is true that calcium is absolutely necessary to the health and strength of bones and teeth, this essential mineral also serves several other important purposes in the body. Yet, many people still routinely fail to consume enough calcium in their daily diets.

In addition to the benefits to teeth and bones, calcium plays a role in blood clotting, muscle functions, and the cell membranes maintenance. It is also important to the prevention of debilitating bone diseases, such as osteoporosis.

Despite the known importance of consuming adequate amounts of calcium daily, some research have found that as much as 75% of Americans do not have a sufficient daily intake of calcium. Comprising most of these numbers are those who are following strict vegetarian diets.

Fortunately, there are several varieties of calcium supplements available on the market. Adults need between 1000 mgs and 1300 mgs of calcium per day and should not exceed beyond 2500 mgs as overdose in daily calcium intake can cause other health problems. Your health care professional can help you to choose the amount that you need daily as preexisting conditions, such as bone loss or damage due to previous deficiencies, can make a difference in how much you should be taking daily. The most common calcium supplements include calcium citrate, calcium carbonate, oyster shell or bone meal based calcium supplements, coral calcium, and calcium gluconate and calcium lactate based supplements.

In choosing your supplement, you should be aware of how to read the label to ensure that you are getting the amount of calcium that you think you are. Elemental calcium is the term used for the calcium that your body will be able to absorb. Some supplements have this and other types of calcium, but it is only the elemental calcium that can count towards your daily intake. Calcium is absorbed best in acidic circumstances, which is why many supplements are recommended for use after meals, when the stomach acids are at higher levels.

Current research has found that calcium citrate is the most efficient of the supplements because it can be absorbed easily by the system. However, although it is absorbed easier and can be taken at any time of day, whether or not there is food in the stomach, this type of calcium supplement often contains less of the elemental calcium, and thus more pills daily will be needed. On the other hand, calcium carbonate is the most common over the counter calcium supplement. It has a special instruction though and that is it should be taken only after meals when there is increased stomach acid production. These, however, should be watched for sodium content.

Calcium is needed by our system to enable us to live healthy and normal lives. Insufficient daily supply of this mineral in our body can lead to numerous health problems causing not only a lot of damage in the pockets but also an abnormal lifestyle. To avoid these complications and inconvenience, it is therefore essential to intake the right amount of calcium needed daily by our body. A little research and consultation with a nutritional specialist can help you to plan your daily diet so as to be able to obtain the healthy amount of daily calcium.

Real Disease

Is ADHD A Real Disease?
The vast majority of Ritalin and Adderall is given to school children in America to treat an alleged disease called ADHD. Children who suffer from ADHD are said to be inattentive, impulsive, and hyperactive. They often get bored easily in class, squirm in their seats, are always on the go, or don�t get along with other students or the teacher.

In other words, many children diagnosed with ADHD may simply be bright, normal kids, full of energy and bored out of their minds sitting in public-school classrooms.

In his testimony to the Pennsylvania House Democratic Policy Committee, Bruce Wiseman, National President of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights, stated that �thousands of children put on psychiatric drugs are simply �smart.�� He quoted the late Sydney Walker, a psychiatrist and neurologist, as saying,

�They�re hyper not because their brains don�t work right, but because they spend most of the day waiting for slower students to catch up with them. These students are bored to tears, and people who are bored fidget, wiggle, scratch, stretch, and (especially if they are boys) start looking for ways to get into trouble."

Boredom is not the only reason children can exhibit symptoms of ADHD. Perfectly normal children who are over-active (have a lot of energy), rebellious, impulsive, day-dreamers, sensitive, undisciplined, bored easily (because they are bright), slow in learning, immature, troubled (for any number of reasons), learning disabled (dyslexia, for example), can also be inattentive, impulsive, or hyperactive.

Also, many factors outside the classroom can stress or emotionally affect children. Some of these factors are: not getting love, closeness, or attention from their parents; if a parent, friend, or sibling is sick or dies; if the parents are divorcing and there is anger, shouting, or conflict at home; domestic violence at home; sexual, physical, or emotional abuse by parents or siblings; inattention and neglect at home; personality clashes with parents or siblings; envy or cruelty directed at a child by classmates or by siblings at home, and many other factors.

Also, many other medical conditions can cause children to mimic some or all of ADHD�s symptoms. Some of these conditions are: Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), allergies, learning disabilities, hyper or hypothyroidism, hearing and vision problems, mild to high lead levels, spinal problems, toxin exposures, carbon monoxide poisoning, metabolic disorders, genetic defects, sleeping disorders, post-traumatic subclinical seizure disorder, high mercury levels, iron deficiency, B-vitamin deficiencies (from poor diet), Tourette�s syndrome, Sensory Integration Dysfunction, early-onset diabetes, heart disease, cardiac conditions, early-onset bipolar disorder, worms, viral and bacterial infections, malnutrition or improper diet, head injuries, lack of exercise, and many others.

Because these medical conditions can cause some or all of ADHD�s symptoms, it becomes next to impossible for any teacher, principal, or family doctor to claim with any certainty that a child has ADHD. To be certain, a doctor would have to test the child for all these other possible medical conditions. Since parents or doctors rarely do this, every diagnosis of ADHD is suspect, to say the least.

Any of these medical conditions, normal personality variations, emotional problems, or outside-the-classroom stress-factors can disturb a child�s attention, natural enthusiasm, or desire to learn in class, and make the child exhibit symptoms of ADHD. Yet, as psychiatrist Peter R. Breggin, author of "Talking Back To Ritalin," and director of the International Center for the Study of Psychiatry and Psychology, notes, �These are the types of [normal] children who get diagnosed as suffering ADHD and who get subdued with stimulants and other medications.�

Many reputable authorities, such as Dr. Breggin, deny that ADHD, the disorder for which Ritalin is most commonly prescribed, even exists. Researchers have found no valid physical evidence of the disease or laboratory medical tests to prove it exists.

Parents, do not fall for the ADHD propaganda that public school authorities are now attempting to force on you and your children. While some children can have ADHD-type "symptoms" for various reasons, ADHD itself turns out to be a bogus or unproven disease. Many public schools now use this bogus disease as a convenient excuse to pressure parents to give their normal but bored or high-energy children mind-altering drugs. I also urge you to read Dr. Breggin's book, "Talking Back To Ritalin."