Saturday, May 17, 2008

Lose Weight

How to Lose Weight without Dieting and Drugs
When we step onto the scale and realize that we weigh more than we are comfortable with, we all have a natural knack to eat less food. We then begin skipping meals and eating like "birds" with some false hope that we will "burn" off fat and lose weight miraculously. This is the first step towards destroying our bodies. When we eat less it becomes even more difficult to lose weight. The huge myth here is that people become fat and overweight by consuming too many calories. This is only partially true because America only takes in half the calories as we did in the beginning of the century. So if we blame being obese and overweight on calories, we would and should "all" be thin. However, we must burn more calories than we consume and stay away from fat. It is no secret that we are heavier than ever! Thus, people who diet without exercise gain even more weight. This is because dramatic weight loss consists of water and muscle. When the weight returns, it returns as fat. The only way to avoid getting fat is to increase our metabolism and exhibit regular exercise into our daily functions along with eating the right way.

When researchers compare thin to overweight people they have found that they take in around the same amount of calories. People become overweight because they have a slower metabolism and also eat more fat than thin people in most instances. Thinner individuals tend to eat less fat and load up on carbs. Lets face it, we are not going to lose weight overnight. A precise and planned out combination of eating and exercise is the real key to success.

Every day, we as Americans are bombarded with promising advertisements of miracle pills,creams and patches that "guarantee" to take the weight off quickly. Take it from me people, they do not work! Just ask millions of people that are spending billions of dollars annually.

A recent survey was done to determine if any commercial dieting programs could actually show and prove that they actually work. Not even one program could come forward to explain. The mass confusion in the dieting industry has led to more heartbreaking and "pocket" breaking, spread amuck with false promises that the FDA is beginning to do better investigations on such false claims.

If you are sick and tired of false promises and can seriously relate to this epidemic in America, please visit my website: I have put together proven results without crash dieting or drugs to better your lifestyle. Remember, there is still hope and you have found it. If it worked for me, it can work for you too.

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